since brooklinn isn't in preschool this year, we have been having our own little preschool of sorts at home. working on letters, numbers, larger/smaller, matching, etc.. it's so fun to see her learn! dub is trailing behind her like a faithful puppy and he is working on colors, counting, and some physical fun since he is MUCH more wired that way!
anywho, I digress.. ooh look a squirrel!
{ valentine's day! }
we decided to do some tactile crafting and the kids loved it! since it was a blustery cold day, we put a drop cloth down in the den, stripped them down to their skibbies, and got to painting. we started with them doing some color mixing (red + yellow = orange, red + blue = purple, etc) and they freestyle painted.. brooklinn LOVED it... my messy little dub was thouroughly grossed out by the paint's consistency (go figure?!) mama told me I used to gag as a kid when I would finger paint... I guess he gets it from his mama :)
then came the organized craft: valentine's day art. it's pretty self explanatory what to do, but i'll post a pic of the finished product!
[ happy valentine's day, y'all! <3 ]