Friday, February 13, 2015

valentine's day craftin'

first off, i cannot believe it is already valentine's day.. wasn't christmas yesterday? the older I get, the faster these days, weeks, and months fly by!

since brooklinn isn't in preschool this year, we have been having our own little preschool of sorts at home. working on letters, numbers, larger/smaller, matching, etc.. it's so fun to see her learn! dub is trailing behind her like a faithful puppy and he is working on colors, counting, and some physical fun since he is MUCH more wired that way!

anywho, I digress.. ooh look a squirrel!

{ valentine's day! }

we decided to do some tactile crafting and the kids loved it! since it was a blustery cold day, we put a drop cloth down in the den, stripped them down to their skibbies, and got to painting. we started with them doing some color mixing (red + yellow = orange, red + blue = purple, etc) and they freestyle painted.. brooklinn LOVED it... my messy little dub was thouroughly grossed out by the paint's consistency (go figure?!) mama told me I used to gag as a kid when I would finger paint... I guess he gets it from his mama :)

then came the organized craft: valentine's day art. it's pretty self explanatory what to do, but i'll post a pic of the finished product!

[  happy valentine's day, y'all! <3  ]